Contact Us

Counseling, Addictions and Crisis Response Services

Get In Touch with Us

Ready to book your Appointment?  Prefer to meet over video or text message from the convenience of your home, office, or anywhere you have an internet connection?  Well, you’re in luck.  I just signed up for a secure platform called OnCall Health that will allow us to meet online.

The online platform is easy to use and most importantly, will ensure that our sessions remain private. You can login from your preferred device whether it’s a desktop or laptop computer, or your smartphone or tablet.

The first step to get started with OnCall Health is to request an appointment from my OnCall booking page on this website.  Whether you book the appointment yourself, or you request an Appointment through the KTLO Office phone, you will receive an invitation to an appointment.

Once invited, you will receive an e-mail invitation with more information about your appointment and setting up your account. It is recommended that you log into OnCall Health in advance of your first appointment to ensure your account and your preferred device (if you will be joining an online video appointment) have been properly set up. If you have any questions, you’re welcome to contact at any point in the process.

At the time of your scheduled appointment, please log into your account and you will be prompted to join your call.

KTLO and OnCall Health are excited to offer this option as a convenient alternative to in-person sessions. I look forward to getting started – you can keep an eye out for that e-mail invitation shortly after your Appointment is booked.

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